
Website and React Native App

Role: Freelance Web/React Front-End Developer

Codebase: HTML, CSS, Vue, Nuxt, React Native, and responsive design

Duration: December 2020 - February 2021

Launched: 2021

Learn more about the App

As a Freelance Web/Front-End Developer for Ensemble's Website and React Native App, I created the desktop and mobile-friendly website in Vue using a Nuxt framework. In addition, I performed QA on the Ensemble React Native App.
Home - Mobile

Home - Mobile

Item Example - Mobile

Item Example - Mobile

Home - Desktop

Home - Desktop


The agency came to me with designs and looking to build a static Vue/Nuxt site for this app. The site would give information and also lead people to download the app.
The team also needed QA and small edits made on the React Native app.


The website was built using Vue/Nuxt, and was built with responsive design in mind so that it was flawless on all devices. The designer worked together with myself and another developer to create a clean, thoughtful design that looked flawless and sleek on all devices.
Additionally, I worked on QA for the React Native app and made small edits per the client's requests.


The website launched successfully, leading people to download the app. The app was a success but has recently been shut down (fall 2023).

Learn more about the App

Item Example - Desktop

Item Example - Desktop