Shop - Mobile

Bean.LA Shop

Shopify Headless Store

Role: Freelance Shopify, Vue, & Front-End Developer

Codebase: Vue, Nuxt, CSS, responsive design, GraphQL, and the Shopify API

Duration: October 2020 - November 2020

Launched: November 2020 (No longer live)

Live Version (no longer active)

As a Freelance Shopify Developer, I built a Shopify headless store and cart based on figma designs. I connected the front-end code to the Bean.LA Shopify Store with GraphQL and the Shopify API.
Shop - Mobile


Product Page Example (PDP) - Mobile

Product Page Example (PDP)

Cart Example - Mobile

Cart Example


The Bean team wanted to launch a shop to sell their merch. The store would have a cart, accept discount codes, and would allow users to purchase items through Shopify. The need was to build out the designs (created in-house) in Vue/Nuxt and connect it to Shopify's API using GraphQL.
Cart Example - Desktop

Cart Example on Desktop


Because the team had custom-built designs, I created this store using Vue/Nuxt and created components for each product, collection, and the cart. Each component connected to the Bean Shopify store using GraphQL, so that you could be on any page and view or edit your cart.


The store was successfully built and launched, with the ability to display new products, show when products were sold out, and accept discount codes.
Since launch, the store has been shut down and is no longer live.

Live Version (no longer active)

Shop - Desktop

Shop on Desktop