Product Page Example
Shopify Store
Role: Freelance Shopify/Front-End Developer
Codebase: Shopify Liquid, Sass (SCSS), and responsive design
Duration: July 2021 - May 2022
Relaunched: August 2021
As one of two Freelance Shopify/Front-End Developers for Shikohin's Shopify store, I edited custom and built-in components to reflect the designer's vision. We worked with the designer and project manager on best practices and functionality. I created custom jQuery scripts to format each blog page to the desired design. After launch I edited the site on demand.
Shop Page - Mobile
Ingredients Page - Mobile
The Shikohin team came to us looking for a revamp of their Shopify store. They were unhappy with what the previous developers had done and wanted a clean website that showcased Japanese onsen and culture.
An in-house designer worked with our designer to match the vision of the Shikohin team. My colleague and I worked with the designers to create stunning product pages, blog pages, a new homepage, and informational pages.
I used jQuery to automatically format each blog post, no matter what text or images were added. I wrote up instructions for non-technical staff to be able to edit text or images without the need for a developer.
SEO was edited for each blog post, and we worked on optimizing the site for fast loading times.
The redesigned ecommerce site and new blog were successfully launched. The Shikohin team immediately saw a 20-30% drop in bounce rate and a visible improvement in user engagement.
"Nikki and Machiko collaborated to successfully revamp Shikohin's ecom store with a beautiful upgrade. We observed a 20-30% drop in bounce rate and a clear improvement in user engagement. We highly recommend Nikki and her network for web development projects. "
-Alfred N, Head of Operations - Shikohin Inc.

Ingredients Page - Desktop

Home Page - Desktop